Teleprompters: Elevating Your Video Production Game

by | Feb 20, 2024 | Video Production

We were in the pre production stage for a video shoot and the topic of teleprompters was brought up with the clients. As it often goes when you have spent a certain time in a certain profession, there is information that you take for granted that you assume everyone already knows about. As the scenario unfolded we assured our client that scripting their thoughts would enhance the filming process. We introduced the concept of teleprompters, only to be met with hesitation. The client preferred a more casual approach, relying on memory and bullet points for a “freestyle” delivery over writing out scripts. We were perplexed over the given pushback. “Why would anyone want to memorize so much content? Our solution would be so much easier,” is what we thought as we assumed they knew exactly what a teleprompter does. We respected their choice and didn’t push for them to write scripts for every segment, but we still brought teleprompters on set so that we could put their bullet points on the screen.

As the cameras rolled and the Talking Heads segments commenced, a revelation dawned on our talent. (Talent is what we call the people in front of the camera.) Even those accustomed to public speaking found themselves grappling with the intensity of professional lighting and cameras, the “magic” of video production, with its sophisticated equipment and meticulous setup, rendered them momentarily speechless. Some of the talent did decide to write out what they wanted to say. Those who had scripted their thoughts discovered a newfound ease in delivering their messages under the spotlight.

The essence of this story lies in our realization that not everyone is acquainted with what a teleprompter actually is, how it functions, and how it can transform the daunting task of speaking to the camera into a seamless, stress-free experience.

What exactly is a Teleprompter?

If you have ever heard of a cue card, those huge cards with words on them that some producer would hold next to the camera, then you have an idea of what a teleprompter is. A Teleprompter that is used in video production is a piece of equipment that we put directly in front of the camera lens. This tool contains a mirror and a platform on which we place a screen. Some teleprompters use their own dedicated screen. Our teleprompter uses an ipad, which makes it extremely versatile. When the ipad is placed on the platform, the talent can see their script reflected off of the mirror which is placed in front of the lens. As the talent reads the words from their script on the teleprompter, their eyes are directed at the camera lens, thus looking like they aren’t reading anything at all and looking straight into the camera.

Since we are using an iPad, a teleprompting app is what is utilized when we put the script into the iPad. This app has speed controls so if the scrolling of the text is going too fast, we can slow it down so that the reader is most comfortable and their delivery is most natural.

Who Benefits from Teleprompters?

Teleprompters are widely used across all industries for speaking directly to camera for video production. Apple, as in iPhone Apple, uses teleprompters for their Apple release events. This is how they’re able to deliver all of their talking points without stumbling. Teleprompters shine when you have a spokesperson addressing the camera directly. The polished, concise delivery you often see in instructional videos, training sessions, or formal promotional content is often aided by a teleprompter. While primarily associated with corporate video production, teleprompters are not confined to it. Even the dynamic world of YouTube embraces teleprompters, adding a touch of professionalism to content creation. So much so that manufacturers have made tiny teleprompters that accommodate a small iPhone.

Unleashing the Power of Teleprompters

So, how does a teleprompter serve you? For our corporate clients, conveying their brand or business message with professionalism is extremely important. The teleprompter becomes a crucial ally, ensuring a seamless delivery devoid of stumbling or searching for words. The script, a carefully crafted and well thought out piece, undergoes thoughtful revisions and proofing, capturing the collective essence of the brand. Once finalized, it’s uploaded into the teleprompter, freeing the speaker from memorization challenges and allowing them to focus on authentic delivery.

Crafting Excellence through Preparation

In video production, success thrives on meticulous planning and preparation. From the intricately planned shots to strategic camera placements, lighting setups, location scouting, and talent selection—every element plays a pivotal role. A well-crafted script, combined with the assistance of a teleprompter, ensures a flawless delivery that resonates with the audience.

Remember, the best videos emerge from a synergy of planning and preparation. It’s the convergence of thoughtful scripting, expertly chosen shots, precise camera placement, and the strategic use of tools like teleprompters. As the curtain rises on your video production journey, embrace the magic of teleprompters—a silent force elevating your narrative and transforming the daunting into the effortlessly captivating.

Written By Mike Perez


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